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Update on H. 2451/ S. 1257

Posted on 6/1/2018 in State Legislative News

We are happy to report that the House and Senate versions of our legislation (H. 2451/S. 1257) have been released from the Healthcare Finance Committee and are now pending before the Senate Committee on Ways & Means.

Additionally, the Healthcare Finance Committee filed an extension order until June 13th for H. 3829An Act Promoting Affordable Health Care Options, filed by Governor Baker, which contains NP language.

Based on feedback from our lobbying team who have been having ongoing conversations with House and Senate leadership, we also anticipate seeing action in the near future in the House on their version of an omnibus healthcare bill (their response to what the Senate passed in late 2017 that contained a version of our language). 

Given these developments, there remain several active and ongoing scenarios for the passage of our legislation, and we continue to be cautiously optimistic.

We will have more updates in the next several weeks as the Legislature has a lot of work to accomplish before the end of the formal session on 7/31/18.

Thank you to all of our members who have sent emails to their legislators! 

We will let you know when your action is needed next.

The MCNP Legislative Team