MCNP E-News November 2017
Posted on 11/13/2017 in MCNP News

National Nurse Practitioner Week
November 12-18, 2017
Thank you to the more than 9,000 NPs in Massachusetts who provide high quality health care and make a major difference in the lives of patients every day.
Message from MCNP President
Christine Malagrida, FNP
Reflections During National Nurse Practitioner Week

Years ago, I counseled a young couple who had unprotected sex. Coming from a conservative background, this was causing the woman a lot of anxiety and worry. She did not want to get pregnant as an unmarried woman. I ended up prescribing her Plan B and went about the rest of the day. I remember nothing remarkable about this visit other than they seemed like a nice couple.
As Nurse Practitioners, the trust our patients have in us is humbling. We care for them like they are family. Even on days when the EMR isn't our friend, we are double-booked, and we are running behind, we make the time to listen to our patients. To this day, I have that token of appreciation on my desk and every time I look at it, it reminds me to be patient, listen fully, and never underestimate that the interaction I have with a patient might be a significant moment in his or her life.
Nurse Practitioner week is celebrated each year to recognize the NP profession and advocate for NPs to be able to practice to the full extent of their license, training and experience. There are more than 234,000 NPs licensed to practice in America today and over 9,000 in Massachusetts providing solutions to the health care provider crisis. The confidence that patients have in NPs is demonstrated by the more than 1.02 billion visits made to NPs each year.
Currently, 22 states and the District of Columbia have granted full practice authority to NPs, giving patients more direct access to the primary, acute and specialty care services that NPs provide. We are hopeful that Massachusetts will grant full practice authority by next year!
Take a moment this week to reflect on your practice, what you've accomplished, what your goals are moving forward, and know that you are an important part of the health care solution in Massachusetts. Your patient-centered approach, evidenced based practice, and compassion make you ideal health care partner for patients. Thank you for all you do!
Happy Nurse Practitioner Week!
Chris Malagrida, NP
MCNP Legislative Update
2451/S. 1257
On November 7, 2017 our bill,H. 2451/S. 1257, along with more than 30 other scope of practice bills, was heard before the Joint Committee on Public Health (JCPH).
MCNP presented testimony supporting the key goals of our bill related to increased access, cost savings and removal of additional barriers for treatment for patients with opioid dependence.
CLICK HERE for more details about the hearing and next steps in the legislative process.
In addition to expanding access to telemedicine, the bill addresses hospital price variation by setting a target reimbursement rate for hospitals, allows for state bulk purchasing of drugs and requires more transparency with drug pricing.
The bill also increases access to lower cost health care providers, andin its current formwould allow for independent practice for nurse practitioners after 2 years of supervision.
The bill will now move the House where major changes are anticipated.
The MCNP will continue to monitor the progress of the bill and make sure that any changes incorporate inclusive language for NPs and are consistent with our goals for removal of prescriptive oversight and joint promulgation.
Masshealth Provider Update
Effective November 3, 2017, the All Provider Administrative and Billing Regulations (130 CMR 450.00 et. seq.) were amended to implement federal requirements regarding ordering, referring and prescribing (ORP) providers.
Per Section 6401(b) of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), if MassHealth requires a service to be ordered, referred, or prescribed, it is required that:
1. the billing provider include the ORP provider's individual National Provider Identifier (NPI) on the claim,
2. the ORP provider be enrolled with MassHealth as a fully participating provider or as a nonbilling provider.
Once the ACA ORP requirements are fully implemented, MassHealth will deny claims for certain health care services requiring an order, referral, or prescription if these conditions are not met.
In addition, with the promulgation of these regulations, the Board of Registration in Nursing will begin enforcing the requirement that NPs be enrolled in MassHealth as an Ordering, Referring and Prescribing provider.
Referring and Prescribing Provider Requirements can be foiund MassHealth web page at
If you have any questions, please contact the MassHealth Customer Service Center at 1-800-841-2900 or e-mail:
Opportunity to Contribute to Scholarly Publication

There are a variety of chapters slated for updates including ear problems, women's health, mental health, cardiac, GI and others.
If you have a strong clinical background or are an expert clinician in any of these areas and are interested in authoring a book chapter, please contact Terry Buttaro at:
Change in MA DPH Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulations
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health's Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) has amended its Lead Poisoning Prevention and Control Regulation which will go into effect December 1, 2017.
To read the new regulations, go to:
CLICK HEREto download the provider information flyer.
For any additonal questions or concerns, contact:
Frances Medaglia PhD, MSN, ANP, BC
Environmental Health Clinical Outreach & Education
Bureau of Environmental Health | MA Department of Public Health
Tel (617)624-5757; Fax (617)624-5560
Frances Medaglia PhD, MSN, ANP, BC
Environmental Health Clinical Outreach & Education
Bureau of Environmental Health | MA Department of Public Health
Tel (617)624-5757; Fax (617)624-5560
Reminder from the BORN:
Beginning with the 2018 renewal cycle, the Board of Registration in Nursing will no longer be issuing paper renewal reminders. You must provide them with a working email address to to receive all BORN communications.
To update your email address with the BORN, go to