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The MCNP PAC Needs Your Support!

Posted on 7/11/2022


The passage of Full Practice Authority was a HUGE victory for Nurse Practitioners in Massachusetts but does NOT mark the end of MCNP legislative advocacy efforts.  

Most recently we have been working to advance Nurse Practitioner inclusive language in the Reproductive and Mental Health bills being deliberated in the legislature. Without our action, Nurse Practitioners would be left out of key sections of these bills.

These efforts involve DIRECT engagement with influential legislators who are in positions to advocate for us. At times like these, we must rely on established relationships, so it is critical that we continue to nurture these relationships.

The most effective way for us to do this is by attending political fundraisers where we can meet with legislators one-on-one and share our message. These meetings not only provide us with access but establish us as a legitimate stakeholder in health policy discussions.

Since state and federal laws prohibit the use of member dues for the purpose of contributing to political campaigns, the MCNP Political Action Committee (MCNP PAC) is the vehicle by which MCNP and MCNP representatives are able to donate and attend these fundraisers. 

After attending countless events over the past year, our PAC funds have been depleted. 

Please help us replenish our cash reserves so that we can continue building relationships that matter and keep our hard-earned seat at the table.

Every donation, large or small, makes a difference. 

It is easy to lose track of when you last donated so we are introducing an annual donation pledge for those interested in this option. 

Thank you for your generosity and for supporting NP Practice in Massachusetts through our advocacy efforts. 

The Massachusetts Coalition of Nurse Practitioners


CLICK HERE to Make A One-Time Donation

CLICK HERE to Sign Up for An Annual Donation Amount

Please Note
*  Contributions from corporations, partnerships and LLC donations are not allowed.
*  Maximum annual contribution is $500 per individual and $1400 per couple. 
*  All contributions must include the name of the donor's employer and occupation. 
*  Donations are NOT tax deductible and may only be made by US citizens.